What your Disney princess says about your personality


Personality expert Susan Storm, founder of the Psychology Junkie website, has detailed some of the main attributes you can expect to find in someone based on their favourite Disney Princess.


“Ariel from the Little Mermaid longs for a world beyond the known, beyond the traditional,” Susan reportedly said. “She craves freedom, exploration, and discovery and follows her heart even when others try to discourage her.”

Children who cite Ariel as their favourite Disney princess may be “less afraid of risks or change” and are likely to be eager to explore new places.

However, the child in your life with this personality type might be less aware of their responsibilities or obligations, even as they get older.


Those children who like Belle from Beauty and the Beast may well share her “insightful, curious and open-minded” approach to life, Susan said.

They may also be willing to take risks, like Belle, who took a risk on the Beast and ended up finding her Happily Ever After – let’s just hope little Belles don’t choose a beastily partner when they’re grown up.


“Conscientious and practical, Cinderella naturally takes care of others while making the best of a life that has been cruel and unjust to her,” Susan explained.

Children who adore Cinderella more than any other Disney princess probably understand “the power of good intentions”. They might have a caring side, like Cinderella, who showed hers by looking after her little mouse pals.

And they’re also most likely able to “overcome any obstacle” – just like the princess who lost her shoe before the stroke of midnight.


The Frozen heroine follows her gut feeling in life, and her fans are likely the same, Susan said. She doesn’t like arguments, preferring to keep to herself rather than getting involved in fights.

And she’s very good at putting together clues too, meaning a child fan of Elsa is likely to be good at puzzles and quizzes.


“She finds ways to fix many problems around the village, moving quickly to make changes for the better,” Susan explained. “But even with her strengths at leadership, she longs for more. She wants to see what’s beyond the reef.”

And it’s this need to challenge oneself that you might see in a child fan of Moana. “They need to feel like they’re breaking some boundary or blazing a new trail,” she said. “They are fascinated by the unknown and hate being boxed in.”


She’s Brave in every sense of the word, and refuses to go along with the plan her mum has all set out for her life. “She is often seen as reckless, but her actions stem from a strong desire to be free and make decisions for herself,” Susan said, as reported by The Sun.

Children who love the red-haired princess will learn that taking chances can lead to great things, especially when they believe in themselves.

Snow White

Snow White is really cheerful and kind, and she’s great at making everything “fun and harmony”, Susan explained. “No matter what life throws at her, she pushes forward without losing her faith that life can be better,” Susan said, which will be true of the Disney princess fans.

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