Mother furious at son for giving his baby the ‘worst name imaginable’


Baby names can spark quite the debate – but one father’s choice has caused a family uproar.

Selecting a baby name is a personal journey; it should resonate with both parents, regardless of others’ opinions.

Whether opting for a classic or a distinctive name to ensure their child stands out, there’s no definitive answer to the perfect name.

However, not everyone will approve of your choice, and while most will keep their thoughts to themselves, sometimes you might encounter disapproval.

This was the case for a dad who broke away from his family’s naming convention for his son – leading to significant discontent within the family.

On Reddit, the father shared that in his family, it’s customary to name newborns after grandparents, meaning his son would typically be named Jack or Parker. Instead, he and his wife chose the name Hollis, reports the Daily Record.

The man justified the decision by pointing out that his wife’s family doesn’t follow any naming traditions, and he didn’t want to impose his own, particularly as he wasn’t keen on it either.

His decision, however, did not sit well with his relatives, especially his mother, who bluntly called Hollis the “worst name imaginable” and argued that sticking to tradition would avoid “stupidly named kids”.

He described how he lost his cool, saying he told his mum to “shut up”, which only made things worse as she became incensed by his “rudeness”.

Yet, online sentiment is firmly on the dad’s side – with many agreeing that his mother had no right to dictate what he and his wife name their child.

One user commented: “If your mother wants to have a say in naming a baby, then she should have another baby. She was unnecessarily rude and disrespectful to you, your wife, your in-laws, and your child.”

Another chimed in: “It’s as simple as this: if the kid isn’t theirs, they don’t get to decide the name. If they have a naming tradition, it doesn’t matter. It’s still not their kid, so it’s not their decision.”

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