Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 has world-first for Marvel movies – James Gunn confirms | Films | Entertainment


Speaking out on Twitter, Gunn was quizzed about a new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 clip that surfaced online.

In the video, Star-Lord and Nebula tried to get into a car while on a new planet. However, Nebula – having never seen a car before, apparently? – couldn’t work the door. In a fit of frustration, Star-Lord yelled at her: “Open the f****ng door!” The video had actor Chris Pratt’s words censored – but that won’t be the case in the final cut.

In response to the clip, one fan asked Gunn: “The f-bomb is gonna be uncensored in Vol 3, right?”

He replied that the swear word would “of course” be uncensored when the movie finally hits cinemas next week.

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